How Cancer Alliances can harness data to improve care


Cancer’s data and innovation challenge

Integrating diverse clinical data from multiple sources is essential for cancer care planning and treatment; such integration also forms the foundation for future healthcare. However, data can be locked into existing systems, making collaboration and innovation problematic, time-consuming and expensive.

With the right mix of open standards and technology, Cancer Alliances and clinicians can reference real-time data from across a health and care ecosystem in a single place to deliver more effective care.

PANACEA™ enables Cancer Alliances and clinicians
to harness the power of data

PANACEA™ from Future Perfect is a powerful applications platform that makes collaboration and innovation simpler, faster and more affordable. It works with openEHR, the global open standard for clinical repositories, to separate people’s data from source systems, helping to streamline data exchange, avoid supplier lock-in and simplify implementation.

This highly interoperable platform works with any openEHR repository and benefits the whole patient pathway, supporting regionwide MDTs and clinical decision support tools. Clinicians can access data on specific tumours to tailor treatments and integrate genomics data to inform goldstandard cancer care.

The foundation for preventative and personalised healthcare, PANACEA™ enables Cancer Alliances and clinicians to seamlessly integrate AI and wearables data and drive new pathways and workflows from research outputs developed within Trusted Research Environments (TREs).

PANACEA™ in action

In Northern Ireland, PANACEA™ is helping clinicians with proactive genomics testing, integrated with clinical and phenotypic data, to enable the smoother introduction of best practices in care for people with cancer and rare diseases. Using PANACEA™ and openEHR inside the TRE could enable the region to apply the latest proven research within clinical care. PANACEA™ already supports virtual MDTs with integrated and editable patient records.

Extending the use of PANACEA™

Future Perfect’s PANACEA™ is vendor-neutral, future-proof and growing - any innovations added to the platform are available to others in the burgeoning PANACEA™ community.

This extensible platform can also support multimorbidity care and federate across multiple openEHR repositories, such as the OneLondon shared care record and several specialist cancer hospitals. An upcoming project will extend this into pharmacogenomics and influence GP prescribing in three nations.

As health services move to more holistic genomic medicine and personalised care, access to molecular diagnostic data and profiles will be essential to enable earlier intervention. PANACEA™ will ensure access to such data for the benefit of clinicians, patients and their families.

Try PANACEA™ at your Cancer Alliance

  • Ready to use as a Proof-of-Concept, with support for local evaluation
  • Easy procurement and deployment (via GCloud)
  • Simple integration with existing electronic patient records

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+ (507) 285-3620